Organic certifications
The value of our products lies not only in our intentions: it is shown on every package through the certifications we have worked hard to obtain.
Below is a brief description of the certifications:
Our certifications
The IFS – HPC Standard (International Food Standard – Household and Personal Care) aims to confirm the effective selection of suppliers of retail branded personal care products, based on their ability to provide safe products that , comply with contractual specifications and legal requirements.
IFS-HPC Standard is internationally recognized and allows us to responds to customer requests from all over Europe. It is based on risk analysis, thus enabling individual risk assessments and creating a focus on areas relevant to each company’s unique processes. The application of the Standard helps the company to monitor continuous improvement processes: the IFS has a Scoring System that indicates how an assessed company can further improve its performance by helping to reach the next level in product safety and quality management.
GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practices. The UNI EN ISO 22716 standard lays down guidelines for the production, control, storage and shipping of cosmetic products with the aim of guaranteeing consumers high standards of safety and hygiene.
The new Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009 in force since 11 July 2013 provides that compliance with the UNI EN ISO 22716 standard is the preferred tool for cosmetics manufacturers to provide evidence of compliance with good manufacturing practices
ISO 9001 is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). The Quality Management System (QMS) is a collection of policies, processes, documented procedures and records. This set of documents defines the internal rules that represent how the company creates and provides the product or service to customers.
ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognized standard and the main focuses are:
– Organization context
– Leadership
– Planning
– Support
– Performance evaluation
– Improvement
These sections are based on a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, which uses these elements to implement change within the organization’s processes, in order to stimulate and maintain improvements within the processes.
San.Eco.Vit. has obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification for the quality of its management system in “Research, development, production, packaging and trading of cosmetic products under its own brand and on behalf of third parties”, which ensures the high quality standard of its offer, the traceability of all phases, from development to delivery, and the commitment to the continuous improvement of the company.
BIOS s.r.l. is a Control and Certification Body for organic production methods. It complies with EC Reg. 834/07 and EC Reg. 889/08 and is authorised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for Italy and by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) for Romania.
The company has been active since 1999 and has recently introduced voluntary certification specifications for cosmetics.
Certifying a product with Bios means avoiding GMOs, ionising radiation and petroleum derivatives and instead choose ingredients of natural origin and/or from organic and biodynamic agriculture, certified according to EC Reg. 834/07 or other equivalent standards. The aim is to have safe and effective cosmetic products that are also environmentally friendly, thanks not only to their eco-friendly formulation, but also to their recycled and biodegradable packaging.
EcoBioControlrecognizes the eco-bio-logical and “ethical” value of a product. The Biodictionary was created in 2000 by industrial chemist Fabrizio Zagoand his team with the aim of explaining the ethical/environmental implications of cosmetic ingredients. We can say that it started and carried out a major campaign for “cosmetic literacy” thanks to which more and more people have learned to recognise and decipher the INCI nomenclature. Since 2017, the Biodictionary has morphed into a more complex and organised system and EcoBioControl has been created. More than 17,000 substances have been classified according to their toxicity, biodegradability, ethicality and at least 500 have been reported as endocrine disruptors. We have followed Fabrizio Zago’s work from the beginning and are now committed to following him in this new step. That is why we are engaged in a process of evaluation of our products, with the intention of being fully “EcoBioControl approved”.
Quality policy
Based on the above, SAN.ECO.VITS.r.l. has identified the following strategic points:
Keeping the promises made in terms of product performance and compliance with delivery times with the primary customer.
Producing in compliance with the Laws in force and according to high Quality Standards, in accordance with the reference Standards (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22716:2008 and IFS-HPC vers.2). We pay great attention to product and process quality standards, respecting the safety of the product, of workers and of end consumers.
Strengthening and reinforcing the Brands so that the image is consolidated (Brand Awareness); establishing a preferential channel of communication with consumers so that they “recognise” and “identify” with the Brands.
Cosmetic companies and the end consumer are the focus of our work.
Ensuring a comfortable and familiar working environment for all employees, developing benefits aimed at ensuring a good work-life balance.
Our holding company NaturaliaTantum’s goal for the next two years is to apply for B Corporation status.
In addition, San.Eco.Vit. srl is working with its customers to reduce the weight of the plastic materials that make up its packaging.
Efficiency and quality must be evident in guaranteeing profit and continuity for the company, so that it asserts and further improves its presence in the market over time.
These policy lines represent the fundamental basis on which we can build our business development programmes.
Everyone must be committed to achieving the objectives set out in the programmes in order to obtain the desired results and to continue to provide products and services that achieve “Customer Satisfaction”.